“Vocal music is considered to be the highest, for it is natural; the effect produced by an instrument which is merely a machine cannot be compared with that of the human voice. However perfect strings may be, they cannot make the same impression on the listener as the voice which comes direct from the soul as breath, and has been brought to the surface through the medium of the mind and the vocal organs of the body.” The Mysticism of Music, Sound and Word Did you know that all thoughts, feelings and mental processes are sound? Everything about you is in a constant state of vibration and your state of consciousness is a direct reflection of your frequency. This introductory course created is created for those who would like to enter in the world of sound healing and learn to use their voice as an energetic tool for healing, spiritual alignment and empowerment. This short course is focused on the heart because it is through the heart that the most powerful energetic shifts can occur. In this course you experience: A deep connection to your heart and its powerful energy field. The incredible healing power and potential of your Divine instrument (Your voice). Moving lower frequencies of stored energy such as grief and sadness by using sound and intention. The deep connection and alignment of the energetic bodies. The feeling of more love, compassion and forgiveness for yourself and others. How sound and your voice can deepen your meditation practice and bring you
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