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Lumen de Lumine - The title, Lumen de Lumine, translated from the Latin as “Light from Light,” also comes from the Nicene Creed, where it is used in this traditional confession of faith as a description of Christ.

A prayer of the highest potency for opening the heart and creating a connection with the higher world.

Lumen de Lumine represents the light that is the most powerful factor in Nature's creative work. Lumen de Lumine translates as Light from Light. Deum de Deo translates as God from God, whose Spirit is the bearer of complete Light. Lumen de Lumine also refers to the light that has many degrees of manifestation.

The latin mantra Lumen de Lumine is an extremely powerful living manifestation of the Adamic Star. It is the archetype of man; the First-Born in the world who developed and manifested all divine virtues and applied all divine laws. Lumen de Lumine is the Way, the Truth and the Life. As the Way, it is the Word; the movement of the spirit towards an intelligent application of the laws of Nature. As the Life, it is the harmonious organization of the elements and the development of the forces in the Divine soul. As the Truth, it is the manifestation of the One God who creates the conditions for the development of all living beings.

Lumen De Lumine creates a connection between your heart and the higher world. This form of communion is like a sweet, spiritual wine; it is a communion of the soul with the realms of light. Lumen de Lumine is a creative act of Divine Nature that distinguishes the temporary from the eternal. It represents the Light that is the first awakening in Living Nature when Nature passed from the limitless condition to the limited condition. Light is a succession of vibrations that include the seven colors, from red to violet, within which ordinary man perceives Light. However, ordinary light is a reflection of other types of energies, and behind these energies is intelligence. Everything in Living Nature - all minerals, plants, animals and man - is a manifestation of Light.

Lumen de Lumine represents the light that is the most powerful factor in Nature's creative work. Lumen de Lumine translates as Light from Light. Deum de Deo translates as God from God, whose Spirit is the bearer of complete Light. Lumen de Lumine also refers to the light that has many degrees of manifestation. There are three main kinds of light. Physical light, spiritual light and Divine light. The light we perceive in the physical world differs from the light that shines in the spiritual world, just as it differs from the light that illuminates the Divine world. Physical eyes access physical light. Spiritual vision accesses spiritual light. Divine vision accesses divine light. By working with Lumen de Lumine you can receive spiritual vision in order to perceive and comprehend spiritual light. This, in turn, opens up a boundless, marvelous world in which illumination reigns supreme.

The degree of development of all beings depends upon the quality and quantity of light they possess. A person's character, intelligence and spiritual elevation are judged according to the quality and quantity of light he/she perceives and manifests. In short, a person is known by the light of his/her life; the more radiant the light emanating from an intelligent being, the more mightily it illumines and gives meaning to life, and the higher the intelligence it brings. As we enter the hereafter, it is our level of light that reveals the kind of life we have lived. If we learn Divine Spiritual Wisdom, serve others during our time on earth, we will be enveloped with a beautiful, bright light that contains more joy and blessing than we can imagine. Wherever we look, we will see only boundless light. Within the unceasing, infinite radiance of this unlimited light there are no shadows.



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